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Start a fantastic promotion with this Zippo candle lighter as your next big offer! It has rugged metal construction and an ergonomic design that makes lighting flames safe and easy. This features a child-resistant safety button and a one-hand ignition switch. This is perfect for lighting up candles on a birthday cake, igniting the fireplace, starting the grill, and more. Add your company name or logo with our laser engraving method and make this available to customers to bring more awareness to your business!

  • Material: Metal
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 10 business day(s)
  • Size:


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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 30100300
Unit Price$26.50$25.75$25.00

Product Details:

  Zippo - Zippo candle lighter with rugged metal construction and an ergonomic design. - 40153

  • Imprint Size:1/2"H X 1"L
  • Ship Weight:9 lbs
  • Imprint Method:
    Laser Engraved

    List Price$70

    List Price$40

  • Additional Colors / Locations:
    Additional Location

    List Price$5

    2nd Location

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